The Many Incarnations Of EssayMaker

To this date, I believe I have written EssayMaker (or any similar project) about 8 times. I'd like to take you back, from the very first version I released in 2011 to the one I'm working on right now.

Story Maker 9000 (March 2011 - November 2011)

The first version of EssayMaker was not for essays but for stories, as at the time (I was 8 years old) I didn't really know what an essay was. In school we always just wrote short stories at the time, so I wrote this. I think originally I wrote it on an insomnia night, and I couldn't go to sleep so I just wrote it then and there. I released it in 2011, but I do remember working on much more of it before releasing it for the first time.

That was the first version I released, but if you want to see every version of Story Maker 9000, you can go here. All of these were written in a small language intended for children called Scratch. At the time, I was very interested in code but this was the easiest way that I could get started, so I just used it. These are very embarrassing to look at now, because of the amount of junk I put in there just to screw around. Still very nostalgic to think that I did these 4 years ago.

NonFiction Story (2013-2014)

NonFiction Story was the first project I made that was the most similar to EssayMaker as it is today. In school, we began to do essays, so I decided to make a new version of Story Maker just for essays, or, I guess "NonFiction Stories". It uses the same blocks and such that were in Story Maker, and other than that, it was essentially a more mature version of Story Maker for essays. This was, again, written in Scratch.

OCD (2014)

I wrote so many versions of EssayMaker in this year. Like, way too many.

  1. EssayMaker Batch
    • Entirely written in Batch.
    • Very bad.
    • Still available over at my repository oldcode.
  2. EssayMaker Console
    • Entirely written in C#, but with an absense of GUI.
    • Decent, but still pretty much bad.
    • Not available at the moment, I believe I deleted it off of GitHub. Still a chance of it coming back in the oldcode repo.
  3. EssayMaker Winforms
    • Entirely written in C#, but with a GUI. Uses Windows Forms.
    • Pretty good, actually the most fully featured version yet. For better or worse.
    • Available in old commits of the current EssayMaker repository.
  4. EssayMaker WPF
    • Entirely written in C#, by a man by the name of High-Core. Prettier than EssayMaker Winforms.
    • Good, but not written by me.
    • Again, available in old commits of the current EssayMaker repository.
  5. EssayMaker Web
    • One of the first projects I wrote on the web.
    • Very barebones port of EssayMaker WPF.
    • Weird, and very ugly.
    • Available in old commits of the gh-pages branch of the current EssayMaker repository.

EssayMaker (2015)

And, now we have the best version yet. The one I am currently developing on my own. You know the one. I've revamped everything, and created a fully featured web client for EssayMaker. It has a fresh coat of paint and a fresh rewrite of code. The eighth edition.

There you have it, folks. Every version of EssayMaker ever, and where to find them. Nostalgia forever.

The EssayMaker Blog

Welcome to the official EssayMaker blog! More updates will be posted as the project progresses.