Simplemark: A simple way to print Markdown.

Simplemark is a useful, completely public domain, free website that prints code beautifully minimalistic on paper. It can compile Markdown and Textile markup to HTML and print it with a variety of options, and it can print 118 languages in beautifully syntax-highlighted glory on paper. Better yet, you can create a custom URL using the URL generator that will check the options for you. Simplemark has many new features that make it a fully-featured printing utility belt that you'll keep in your bookmarks for all eternity. If you're a nerd, you will be pleased to hear that Simplemark is public domain on GitHub.

Put Markdown code here:

Markdown Options:

  Enable GitHub Flavored Markdown?
  Enable smart lists?
  Sanitize Markdown code (ignore anything other than Markdown code)?
  Use pedantic Markdown?
  Enable SmartyPants (use 'smart' quotes and dashes)?

Other Options:

  Enable Textile?
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